Amy Williams Wellness Logo

Hello, I'm Amy (she/her).

Since my childhood, I have cared about others - in the beginning mainly animals! But I’ve expanded that love to people too :) Over the course of my life, I have always felt the desire to learn and grow... to be free to be myself.
My therapy and offerings embody this, as I love to help you be yourself too!

Cartoon flower
Amy with binoculars.

Amy at the Eiffel Tower.

Many people think I work with children, because creativity and play is so important to me. Really, I work with the child inside you. Maybe you were wounded as a child and it’s still affecting you today. Let’s work on healing this. I can help you.

Moon and star

Along the way, I’ve been introduced to energy medicine, essential oils, yoga, mindfulness, and the power of using creativity in my healing journey. I will teach and share all these practices with you.

Amy with a flower.

I love creating safe space for you and meet you where you are.
I hope you’ll join my world, where belonging ~ being seen ~ and being yourself matters!

About My Privilege:
I have been fortunate to be born into experiences where I could become myself more freely than many people are afforded. In my work, I am very aware of this and seek to offer a safe space for all people. I believe in and work for social change that is inclusive, planet, and people friendly. Feel free to ask me any questions you desire to clarify this.

My Training Includes:

* An undergraduate degree from Purdue University and a master’s degree from Marshall University Graduate College

* Licensure as a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in North Carolina and a Licensed Professional Counselor in West Virginia

* 20 years of experiencing holding safe space to help others find their own wisdom

* Certification in Level One and Level Two Trauma-informed Expressive Arts Therapy with Cathy Malchiodi

* Transformation and Bilateral Art Training with Cornelia Elbrecht

* Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction training with Charlotte Center for Mindfulness

* Registered Yoga Teacher certification, RYT-200 with Alanna Kaivalya

* Subtle Yoga Inspired Training (40 hours) with Kristine Kaoverii Weber

* Yogapalooza: Kids Yoga and Mindfulness Teacher (Meddy Teddy Yoga)

* Emotional Freedom Technique Advanced Training with Aila Accad

* 10 years of experience and trainings in aromatherapy, especially for emotional clearing and health.

* Participant in Marie Forleo B-School

* Certified Natural Mindfulness Guide

* Rain Partners Training with Tara Brach

Land Disclaimer:
Amy Jane Williams acknowledges the Catawba people as the Traditional Owners of the land on which she lives and works.